



- Nutrition and NeuroDevelopment of the Brain. Iron, Iodine, Choline, Zinc and copper, Vitamins, DHA, polyunsaturated fatty acids
Nutrition and Neuro Development and Neural Health Factors. Brain Nutrients
Nutrition is very important for the body and production of the neurotransmitters required for the correct work of the the brain.
Nutritional and Health Factors. Play a crucial role in learning and address underlying causes with behaviour problems.
Alergies, food allergies, mercury, chemical sensitivities and other issues that compromise learning and development.

The role of nutrients brain development in child and adults is very important.
Many of the key nutrients identified important to NeuroDevelopment includes: the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA), docosohexaenoic acid (DHA) and arachidonic acid (AA).
DHA, is strongly associated with fish consumption, but this is also the predominant source of the neurotoxicant methyl mercury (MeHg).


Iron deficiency is very common on many human populations.
Infants are likely to be the most vulnerable during the brain growth spurt from 6 to 23 months.
Iron deficiency in infants leaves a permanent cognitive deficit A slowed central neural processing is a key component in neural dysfunction in iron deficiency, even without anaemia.
The mechanisms associated with behavioural and cognitive developmental delays observed in iron-deficient infants include abnormalities in neurotransmitter metabolism, decreased myelin formation and alterations in brain metabolism.
Some vegetables, meat and fish are particularly rich sources of dietary iron and also have high bioavailability.

Zinc and copper

Zinc and copper are other trace elements, deficiencies of which are known to cause abnormalities in neurological development in animals but human data are sparse Such sequelae appear to be found only in severe deficiencies.
For example, there is no effect of zinc supplementation of pregnant women (with plasma zinc concentrations below the established median for gestational age in the population) on the mental and psychomotor development of their children at 5 years.
Nevertheless fish, and especially shellfish, are particularly rich in both of these trace elements. Measurement of body status of either of these trace elements, however, is fraught with difficulty.
Vitamin B 6 and riboflavin have direct effects on NeuroDevelopment both prenatally and postnatally and may also impact on MeHg toxicity.
Nutrition and Neuro Development Links


: the benefits of optimal iodine or thyroid status are likely to be directly related to NeuroDevelopment during late fetal growth.
Iodine supplementation given before the third trimester predicted higher psychomotor test scores for children relative to those provided iodine later in pregnancy or at two years of age.
Iodine deficiency (ID): this is the single most important cause of preventable brain damage after starvation. ID can produce different degrees of mental retardation. Damages in the Central nervous system are seen in some people with neurological cretinism, neurological deficits can occur with ID.


appears to be benefical and is found in a range of foods with eggs and fish being a particularly rich source
Choline: induce spatial memory facilitation in rodents because changes the distribution and morphology of neurons involved in memory storage within the brain. Also produce biochemical changes in the hippocampus via the cholinergic system; and electrophysiological changes in the hippocampus.
Choline also protects against neurotoxicity in the rat. Whether these choline availability findings in rats are applicable to humans is open to conjecture. Certainly, there are major differences in developmental physiology in that human and rat brains mature at different rates, the rat brain is comparatively more mature at birth than is the human brain while hippocampal development in humans may continue for months or years after birth.
Managing the harmful effects of e-waste. It can lead to impaired neurodevelopment, changes in lung function and respiratory effects, DNA damage
Children & neurodevelopmental behavioural intellectual disorders
Children and neurodevelopmental behavioural intellectual disorders by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Fruits facts and strawberry facts. Sweet summer treat offers boost for your health.
Blueberries Research Continues to Generate Headlines
USDA Natural Nutrient Database
Science of Strawberries and vitality. Strawberry Fruit Facts and Information. Strawberries May Boost Astronaut Performance.
Wild blueberries, Nutrition and Disease Prevention. Mental Health, Nutrition and the Brain. When us comes to brain food, nothing beats the taste and antioxidant punch of wild blueberries. Born in the cold barrens of Maine, wild blueberries must protect themselves from the forces of nature to survive, causing them to develop a higher anthocyanin content than ordinary blueberries. That hardiness allows them to create a nutritional kick that feeds your brain the good stuff, no matter your age. Tiny. Potent. Wild. That’s the wild blueberry.
Diet and the Brain
Blueberries Research - New USDA Study Shows Blueberries Anti-Aging Potential. The role of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in brain: modulation of rat brain gene expression by dietary n-3 fatty acids.
The Vital Role of Essential Fatty Acids For Pregnant and Nursing Women
Neurodevelopment - (EFA) Essential fatty acids and the brain. Essential Fatty Acids Improve Infant IQ.
New hope in nutrition science news. Even Mild Vitamin C Deficiency May Have Negative Effect on Vascular Function
Natural products wants to make the supply chain more just and equitable while improving the soil and climate.
The Impact of Essential Fatty Acids on the Brain. Fatty Acids related with Learning and Behavior Studies.
Eat Fruits. A Key in the Fight Against Age !
The Brain Food Pyramid
Vitamin C Can Benefit Smokers
Eat fruits and boost for your health.
Apples for Health - Vitamins C and E May Protect Against Mental Decline
Dietary essential fatty acids and brain function: a developmental perspective on mechanisms.
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) for Your Health
Essential Fatty Acids Improve Infant IQ
Even Mild Vitamin C Deficiency May Have Negative Effect on Vascular Function
The Impact of Essential Fatty Acids on the Brain
Neurodevelopment - Essential fatty acids and the brain
Neurodevelopment - Fat Brain - the role of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in brain: modulation of rat brain gene expression by dietary n-3 fatty acids
Eat strawberries for Vitality.
Fruit growers. Brain Chemistry Type Diet.
Nutrition And Disease Prevention
Nutrition, Mental Health and the Brain
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Neuro Nutrition 2024
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