


NeuroPlasticity and NeuroDevelopment

- Brain Plasticity
NeuroPlasticity or Brain Plasticity
What is Neuroplasticity?
Brain plasticity or neuro plasticity concept basically states that neural connections can produce new connections based upon a process called synaptic reorganization.
When does Neuroplasticity occur?
Neur Plasticity stars since the born and continues until the day we die.
NeuroDevelopment training enhances brain performance just like exercising keeps the body in healthy condition. NeuroDevelopment allows us the ability to maximize and use our intellectual, physical, and emotional strengths simultaneously. A NeuroDevelopment programs focus on enhancing mental fitness which promotes longevity, health, and peak performance.
Neurodevelopment of the brain. Nothing in all creation can compare to the amazing capacity and adaptability of the human brain.
Neurogenesis is the process of birth of neurons. The neurogenesis the human adult brain was discovered the early 1980s, surprising scientific community and the traditional neuroscientists, who thinked were born with all the neurons we were ever going to have.
Traditional thinking has believed there are limits to the brains capacity.
Neuroscientists reviewed their discover and saw that it worked in several animals and to the human adult brain as well.
Brain Plasticity and Neurogenesis. The Development of the Nervous System.
Normally a baby has about 250,000 neural connections available, and as the child grows these connections they are inhibited for whatever reason or they may not be activated properly.
The brain plasticity concept could be applied to brain injury to create a process. To understand which functions in the brain are not engaging or functioning as they should. We then encourage the neural pathways through stimulation and Research exercises.
Research into neural plasticity work with brain injuries, learning inefficiencies, sensory problems, and genetic syndromes.
It can also help guide all of our children, or ourselves, to our fullest potential.

NeuroDevelopment Training

NeuroTraining process improves your brain.
Neuro Training concepts includes: maturation of brain development, the nervous system is organized in loops and brain plasticity.
The primary goal is to review the maduration and cognition function in integration within the whole neurological system.
The training ensures that the child's brain matures and develops as it should.
The parents and the child must understand that they can develop the brain functions to do all the possible things .
The NeuroDevelopment training also must work on motor planning and sensory integration issues.
Who can use neurotraining?
The neurodevelopment retraining gives hope for child and adults with several neurological problems.
The neurodevelopmental training is a holistic and that study the progression of development in tactility, auditory, visual, language and communication, manual, gross and fine motor mobility and coordination.
Training give hopes to labels of Brain Injured, Autistic, Down Syndrome, PDD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Learning Disabled, Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and others.
An individualized program must includ all the information about long term memory, processing skills, the organization of the central nervous system, complemented with parental and personal information regarding the chid that includes health, diet, and any special concerns and academic data when possible.
The role of the NeuroDevelopment alist is to identify the neurological inefficiencies and work to improved.
Medicals use that labels as reference, just for symptomatic identification but people are individuals and have diferent needs.
Neuroplasticity and Neurodevelopment Phases - an ongoing process that begins with a single fertilized egg cell and ends with a functional adult brain
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